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About the 2024 Peachtree CV Classic Road Race

The Race for Whole Student Wellness is on!
The Peachtree CV Classic is an annual 5K road race and will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2024. In addition to fundraising, Peachtree Middle School seeks to raise awareness of and promote cardiovascular (CV) health and well-being of our students, faculty, and community through the CV Classic 5K. This year marks the 15th Anniversary of the Peachtree CV Classic tradition of promoting Whole Student Wellness!
Last year, the CV Classic raised almost 20K, thanks to your support! With this money, the PTSO was able to fund many programs to support our teachers, staff, students, and families!
WHEN - Saturday, October 26th, RACE STARTS AT 8AM
- The weather looks amazing for our 5k run Saturday Morning!
- Parking is available at Peachtree Middle School or Chesnut Elementary School.
- The track is located behind the building near the baseball fields. We will have Bib Pick-Up and same day Race Registrations from from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM
- The Race will take off from the start line on the Peachtree Middle School Track promptly at 8 AM.
Volunteers needed NOW for the Fundraising Committee!
Do you love connecting with neighbors, friends and businesses across Dunwoody? Are you great at getting to YES? We want YOU to join the 2024 CV Classic 5K fundraising committee! We need volunteers to approach local businesses to get sponsorships for the October 26, 2024 race and support our school. We provide the script; you make the call! Total commitment is a few hours and can be done whenever your schedule allows. Together, we can spark change and create a brighter future for our students. If interested, please contact us via email to get involved!
Interested in other volunteer opportunities? We need volunteers to join the CV Classic committee to help with the following:
- Food and Volunteer Team Members
- General Team Members who just want to be a part of the school’s biggest fundraising event!
No experience is necessary, just a desire to help support Peachtree! The workload is evenly dispersed among volunteers. It is a great way to get involved!
Interested in becoming a family sponsor? Click here to sign up!
School Calendar
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Medical Clearance to Participate in Athletics
Parents - Students must have a sports physical and submit one of the following athletic consent forms to participate in a PCMS sports program. The form provides your consent and provides a doctor's confirmation that your child is healthy enough to participate in athletics.
PCMS athletic teams - Dekalb Country Athletic Participation Consent Form
DHS sponsored athletic teams (8th grade only) - Dunwoody High School Athletic Participation Form