Elections for the NEW 2021-2022 PCMS PAC start April 18th.* Cast your vote for the inaugural PAC members and let's make something great together!
Candidate Bios: Parent/Guardian Candidates
*Ballots will be sent from DCSD to all valid emails in Infinite Campus
What is a PAC?
- Links school and community
- Increases student achievement through transparency and best practices
- Reviews the Continuous School Improvement Plan and monitors progress
- Participates in the selection of the school principal
- See FAQ here
DCSD has a strong team to support PAC operations at Dekalb schools. More information here.
What are the governing bodies at PCMS?
Please see this letter from the Governing Board explaining the exciting changes to governance at Peachtree Middle School.
When are PAC Elections?
3/7 to 4/2: Candidate declaration
4/3 to 4/16: Get out the vote
4/18 to 4/23: Voting!
5/1 to 6/30: Onboarding
July 1st: PAC kicks off for the 2021-2022 school year
FAQ Click here