Home > School Info > Policies and Procedures > Dress Code

Dress Code  

Students Must:

  • Wear suitable clothing that maintains a safe and orderly environment promoting respect, care for self and others.

  • Wear a shirt of opaque (non-see through) fabric that covers all undergarments, including during any movement while sitting or standing.

  • Wear bottoms of opaque (non-see through) fabric that covers all undergarments, including during any movement while sitting or standing.

  • Wear clothing that corresponds with the demands and purpose of the activity in which the student participates.

  • Wear protective clothing, headgear, eyewear, etc., required for specific programs, classes, or activities.

  • Wear shoes at all times. Footwear that interferes with freedom, movement, or safety is prohibited.

Students Must Not:

  • Wear pajamas, pajama shirts, bottoms, or sleepwear of any kind.

  • Wear house shoes, bedroom slippers of any kind, or footwear that interferes with freedom,

    movement, or safety.

  • Wear headgear of any kind (religious practices, medical conditions, disabilities, specific

    school activities are excluded).

  • Wear clothing, jewelry, tattoos, piercings, or other body ornaments that disrupt the

    educational process or endanger the health or safety of other students, staff, or visitors.

  • Wear clothing, insignia, symbols, tattoos, piercings, jewelry, or adornments worn or carried on or about a student which promote gangs or the use of controlled substances, drugs,

    alcohol, or tobacco.

  • Wear clothing, tattoos, or other adornments which show offensive and/or vulgar words,

    pictures, diagrams, drawings, or include words or phrases of a violent nature, a disruptive nature, a sexual nature, politically/socially controversial words or graphics or words or phrases that are derogatory regarding a person’s ethnic background, color, race, national origin, religious belief, sexual orientation, or disability.


Administrator's Discretion and Exceptions:

Administrators are empowered to exercise judgment in determining whether a student’s attire is disruptive or poses a safety hazard. Exceptions may be made for medical reasons, religious practices, or disabilities.

Student Dress Code Violation - Consequences

Students will dress appropriately on school grounds and at school events. All students are expected to dress appropriately and adhere to the dress code described above. 


The following penalties apply to all student dress code violations:


Number of Offenses Actions of the School
first offense Verbal reprimand, contact parent and in-school suspension (ISS) until end of day or correction of the violation. 
second offense Required parent conference and two days of in-school suspension
third offense Contact parent, up to ten days of in-school suspension, local probation and/or parent attend classes with student in lieu of in-school suspension. Chronic violation of this expectation will results in the charge of a "#19a - Repeated Violation of School Rules" - and a possible referral to an alternative setting upon being found in violation by a preponderance of evidence at the district due process hearing.