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Are you a coach or sports sponsor?  Send changes and updates to pcmsquestions@gmail.com.

Sports 2024/2025

Welcome to Peachtree Middle School Sports. 



Spring Sports are Here! 



Flag Football Interest!



Did you know Peachtree has TWO Coed Flag Football Teams? Come join us as we compete to defend our title as the Metro Atlanta Athletic Conference Champions!


Please complete the interest form here - Flag Football Interest Form


We are looking for 2-3 parents to help coordinate and coach the teams.  If you are interested in helping, please email Lindsay Gaines (PeachtreePTSO.Lgaines@gmail.com) for more information.  


Go Patriots!




Girls Soccer: 

 Boys Soccer:

  • Schedules to come!


Tennis Tryouts:

Peachtree tennis tryouts are approaching!  Please fill out this form if your child is interested in trying out.

Tryouts will be at Village Mill Swim and Tennis.

  • Girls Tryouts: 2/10 from 5-6:30pm
  • Boys Tryouts: 2/12 from 5-6:30pm

For additional information or questions please email Ms. Puckett






Interested in playing middle school baseball? 


Find more info and FILL OUT THE INTEREST FORM here.  If you plan to try out, it's crucial to fill out the interest form so that the appropriate number of teams can be planned for before the tryouts. 


Tryouts are scheduled for December 2nd and 3rd from 5:00-7:00 PM at Dunwoody Senior Baseball fields next to Peachtree. 


Questions? Contact dhswildcatbaseball@gmail.com 


Swim Meet Interest:



Is your student interested in participating in 2-3 swim meets as a Peachtree Patriot?  

If you would be available for a swim meet, please email us 




Congrats to this years Golf team! 




Fall Sports:

Winter Sports:

  • Girls & Boys Basketball
  • Wrestling



A medical form is required for all Middle School sports. Click here to download the form.  Are you a coach or sports sponsor?  Send changes and updates to pcmsquestions@gmail.com.